Two weeks and undoubtedly two-to-three kilos later, I'm back in Seoul after a trip home to the U.S. for the holidays. Another whirlwind trip that included stops in Chicago, central Illinois, North Carolina, and airport drop-ins in Detroit and Atlanta, was in fact a relaxing break from the hustle and bustle of Seoul life. Reuniting with friends and family was a pleasure, but my most salient memories all seem to include food! Here's a picture of my plate during the Rhodes Family Christmas celebration. Mmm! Of course, after two weeks of burgers, pizza, casseroles, and pie, I was pretty anxious to get my hands on some kipbap.
On my way back to Seoul, I was reminded of just how small the world can be as I checked into a small, regional airport in Peoria, Illinois. The gentleman at the airline ticket counter noticed my destination was Incheon and asked why I was headed to Korea. Turns out, he is one of our listeners! He later posted a comment here on my blog, which came as a pleasant surprise when I booted up my e-mail back in Seoul. It's always great to hear from our listeners, but running into one back in small town America was a particularly nice way to be reminded that KBS really does reach all corners of the earth.
hey abby,
can't wait to see you again back in seoul next week. i think we have shilla lunch reunion in the works...
until then! xo
Can't wait to see you!!! I'm going through some major MK withdrawal.
Wow! It's a small world after all. Glad you had a great time!
Hey, Abby. How hard is it to adapt to the time differences traveling to and from?
i always love to read your article,
which are superb all the time. Just keep up the good work.
This time around, it took a few days before my circadian rhythms were back on track. I'm getting pretty used to the long flights, though, and find that exhausting myself before getting on the plane and trying to sleep as much as possible in the air helps.
Some people say traveling in one direction or the other is easier, but I think the change in schedule catches up with you regardless. I think the worst case of jet lag I've experienced was after going from the U.S. to Kenya (via London) and back to the U.S., all in about one week!
Thanks for your comments!
안녕하세요, 오랜만이예요
Hi Abby, long time no see
서울에 돌아온걸 환영해요 ^^
First, welcome back to seoul ^^
사진을 보니 빨리 점심이 먹고 싶어지네요
I want to eat lunch now when I saw picture.
그런데 내가 저 사진속의 음식을 먹는다면...
But, if I eat food in that picture...
나에겐 김치가 필요할거예요 ^^ (느끼해서?)
maybe I need Kimch ^^ (because oily?)
바다 저 너머에 가족이 있다는 느낌은 어떨지 궁금해요
I wonder about your feel that family live at overseas.
저도 빨리 구정연휴가 되서 집에 내려가길 바라봅니다.
I hope to see my family member soon, when the new year holiday by lunar clendar
건강 조심하고 나중에 노량진 수산시장에 다같이 가요~!
Take care, and let's go to 'Noryangjin fish market' next time~!
My name is Misun and I am a student of MyoungJi University.
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I will wait your e-mail.
Thank you very much and have a nice day :)
A few years ago I had a revelation: chicken and mushrooms go extremely well together. Since then, I’ve tried many recipes using these two main ingredients, and this one is one of my favorites (another really nice one is the creamy chicken and mushroom soup recipe).
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